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Spanish 3

Kelly Bates                                                                 

310.395.3204 x71247


¡Bienvenidos a Español 3! I’m glad you’re here. This is always my favorite class to teach because you have completed the detailed groundwork of language acquisition and are now ready to learn broader concepts that will enable us to effectively discuss interesting topics. Get ready to talk about personal, social, cultural, political events and more!



Immerse yourself in Spanish. Listen to it every day. Let all those words you don’t understand just keep on going, and celebrate the ones you do understand. Always have a stack of flash cards in your pocket and when you have five minutes, pull them out and practice. Pick a favorite show on a Spanish-language channel and watch it regularly. Do these things and you’ll have to do very little studying for this class… and the best part is you’ll become fluent for life!




HOMEWORK will be assigned nightly. Do it. Don’t copy or scribble words hurriedly. You’ll be

so much happier down the road that you followed this advice.


JOURNALS will be assigned intermittently. These assignments are worth twice the value of other homeworks. Do not use a translator when you write! If you need more than a word, consult a human being.


LISTENING to natural Spanish outside the classroom at least 30 minutes per week is a requirement of this course. It’s much more effective to listen in small increments throughout the week. Choose a t.v. show, podcast, radio station, etc. and I’ll give you tips for making it easier.



This class is taught almost entirely in Spanish. Oral participation is necessary for success and

is reflected in the grading structure. If you are absent frequently, you might find it difficult

to keep up with oral comprehension and participation in class discussions.


QUIZZES will be given weekly. At the end of each grading period, I’ll drop your lowest quiz.

If you are absent on the day of a quiz, that score will become your dropped one.


TESTS will be given at the end of each chapter. They will consist of listening comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, reading and culture. If you are absent on the day of a test, please be prepared to take it upon your return.


Grades will be determined in the following manner:


Tests =                 20%                     A=100-90

Quizzes =             20%                     B=89-80

Oral participation = 20%                    C=79-70 (answering questions, presenting dialogs, etc.)  

Homework =           20%                     D=69-60

Final exam =           20%                     F=59 and below




  • Late work is not accepted for credit. It’s your responsibility to copy the week’s assignments from the board on the first day of the week. If you are absent, you should have two assignments completed upon your return unless a lesson taught while you were absent prevents you from doing so.

  • Please enjoy your food and beverages outside the classroom. Water is an exception.

  • Use the restroom and take care of other personal issues between classes. Don’t ask to go to the bathroom during class unless it’s a dire emergency.

  • Copying work will result in zeros on both papers. Even if you “work together”, papers should not be identical.

  • Cell phone use is not allowed in class. The first time, it will be taken away for the class period. Subsequent offenses will result in the phone being turned over to the House office. Cell phone use during testing periods will result in the above consequences and a zero on the test. 

  • No, there is no extra credit in this class, except for a small amount offered for attendance on the day of a test only.




If you need academic assistance, want to discuss your grade, etc., or just want to talk please don’t hesitate to come by at break or lunch! 


If your classroom behavior in any way disrupts the educational process, I will attempt to resolve the issue with you outside of class. Mutual respect between teachers and students seems to promote satisfactory conclusions 99% of the time. If you and I cannot resolve the conflict,

I will contact parents, advisers and possibly an administrator, in that order, to help us reach resolution. Open honesty expressed in a courteous way almost always prevents the need for such steps.


Please help promote an enjoyable place to learn!



ESPANOL             LIVE IT              LOVE IT                       LEARN IT FOR LIFE

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