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I'm glad you're taking Spanish 2! This year we will review the base that was formed in Spanish 1 and we'll use it to springboard into new areas of understanding. The topics that we'll discuss include school, personal care, navigating the community, childhood and family, natural disasters and experiences with personal injury.


Emphasis is placed on oral comprehension and verbal communication. Reading, writing and grammar are supporting components that will help you understand how the language works. Here are some ideas that will help you be successful:

Be a team member


Ask for help when you need it. Help someone else when you can. Be flexible about how the job gets done. Plan to work with others, and always give your best. In the end, when the team wins, the individuals win twice.

Train yourself to work hard


Anything that's worth having will require work. If it were easy, everyone would have it. Train yourself to be a hard worker now, and soon it will be who you are. Your life will be much richer if you do.

Stay focused and listen


Spanish is everywhere around you. Listen when you hear it. Celebrate each word that you understand. Before long you'll understand groups of words, and then the idea of the conversation.

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